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Planning Board Meeting Minutes - 09/08/03
Town of Mount Desert Planning Board                                                     APPROVED
Minutes of September 8, 2003                                                             09/22/2003

Board Members Present               Public Present
Marc Sevigny, Chairman              Jim Robinson
James Clunan, Vice Chairman         Jana Robinson
Heather Jones, Secretary            Alice Carter
Samuel M. Fox III                           Katrina Carter
Joseph Tracy                        Joanne Robbins
Robert Coolidge, alt                Benjamin King
Stephen Zirnkilton, alt

Brent Hamor, CEO; Barbara Williams, Assistant; Joelle D. Nolan, Recording Secretary

I.      The meeting was called to order at 6:00 p.m.

II.     The draft minutes from the August 25, 2003 meeting were unanimously approved as amended.

III.    Unfinished Business
        A.      Timothy Thomas
                5 Lyman Lane, Map 25 Lot 111-3
        It was noted that the west end of Lyman Lane is still somewhat blocked.  According to the subdivision plan the entire entrance needs to be opened to a minimum of 20 feet, the Road Closed sign removed, and the Lyman Lane road sign replaced.  Board directed CEO to contact Mr. Thomas and remind him that if he doesn’t comply immediately, it becomes an enforcement issue.  CEO will follow through by first speaking with Mr. Thomas, and then proceed to the Board of Selectmen if necessary.

IV.     New Business
A.      Brian D. Shaw/Agent CES, Inc.
        Long Pond Vista Subdivision
        Tax Map 9 Lot 10-2   SR5/RW2
        Issuance of Dated Receipt
        Site Inspection:  4:30 p.m.
Mr. Clunan reported on the site inspection.  They walked the perimeter of the six lots.  There were a few small wetlands as shown on the plan.

Chairman Sevigny asked about the definition of spaghetti lots and CEO assured him the lots represented are shaped right to avoid being spaghetti lots.

Board acknowledged receipt of the application and the Dated Receipt was issued.  Completeness Review of the application is set for September 22, 2203.

B.      Applicant Jim Robinson
        Subdivision Sketch Plan Review
        Tax Map 24 Lot 24   VC
Mr. Robinson was present and explained the plan.  CEO made the point that due to current ordinance rules, the lot could be divided without a “subdivision”, then the housing requests could be made at a later date; however, Mr. Robinson chose to present future plans now.  Phase 1 includes a retail shop for the building and selling of kayaks.  It was determined that a Conditional Use Permit would be needed.  Board also discussed LUZO Section 3.6 Note (g) “Primary residential use in a Commercial District must meet the dimensional requirements of the adjacent residential district.”  Board suggested requesting ORC to consider changing Note (g) to “except lot size”.  As Phase 1 currently reads, there is no need for a subdivision.  However, for residential use (Phase 2) lot size required is 10,000 square feet (adjacent lots are in Village Residential 1 Zone and the minimum lot size is 10,000 square feet).  It appears there is not enough area to permit the two lots.  However, a commercial “store front” in the Phase 2 duplex might be allowed.  It was suggested that combining the lots into one and putting a condominium in might solve the lot size problem.

C.      Subdivision Dated Receipt
The pros and cons of having the CEO issue rather than the Planning Board were discussed.

D.      Ordinance Review Committee
Bobby Williams reported that ORC is trying to build a Comprehensive Plan Committee and requested that the Planning Board members encourage others to participate.
Ms. Williams is making arrangements for people from the State Planning Office in conjunction with the Hancock County Planning Office to do a presentation on comprehensive plans on a Wednesday or Thursday in October.  All agreed it would be a good idea to welcome the Board of Selectmen and the public.

V.      Meeting adjourned at 7:25 p.m.  The next scheduled meeting/public hearing(s) is at 6:00 p.m., Monday, September 22, 2003 in the Meeting Room, Town Hall, Northeast Harbor.